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Gabi Pataki

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About me

The human body is a complex system in which mental, emotional, physical and spiritual elements are interconnected.
My aim is to support the achievement and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

I'm Gabi Pataki

I am a food engineer by background. However, my life has taken a slightly different direction due to a health "emotional conflict" 8 years ago. My body then decided to start a "biological special programme".
This is when spirituality, Mind Control and REIKI came into my life!

Holistic medicine

I work in holistic medicine, which involves several activities.

Acupuncture and therapeutic piercings

Migraine headaches are a recurring problem for many, and there is a solution. I recommend Helix root puncture as an effective treatment to relieve migraine and many types of headaches (cluster, tension, hypertension, vestibular, frontal sensitivity)
Migraine piercing is based on an ancient Chinese acupuncture master point.
It applies continuous pressure to the vagus nerve, which can help relieve headaches and anxiety.
Táplálkozási tanácsadás Szeged
Táplálkozási tanácsadás Szeged

Nutritional advice

On the other hand, through nutritional counselling, where we initiate the body's self-healing processes, hormonal balance is established by metabolic typing (I still have my attachment to food, although I now look at it from a different angle).
I think it is important to be aware that just as the body can make itself sick, it can also cure itself!!!!
That is why my main goal is to provide people advice that works well for the body, both physically and mentally.

Change your life

Acupuncture piercing

Whatever you need, feel free to contact me on any of my contact details so that we can find a solution to your problem as soon as possible.
Gabi Pataki
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